Waldo County SWCD is seeking nominations for its Board of Supervisors. Anyone interested in running or voting must be a registered voter and reside in Waldo County. To run for a position, email waldocountysoilandwater@gmail.com or call 207-218-5311 to request a nomination petition, the form must be submitted by 12/18/24. To vote in the election request a ballot and submit no later than 1/2/24 @ 9am.
Nominees will be posted to our website here on 12/19/24
Ballots must be received no later than 1/23/24 @9 am and will be counted at our board meeting that day, public are welcome to attend.
Waldo County Soil and Water Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer.
For more information call, email or visit us at: 207-218-5311, waldocountysoilandwater@gmail.com, 46 Little River Drive Belfast, ME.
Volunteer Opportunities
Board Supervisors and Associate Supervisors
Have a passion for protecting the environment and skills that you want to bring to our work in Waldo County?
· One Supervisor seat is open on our Board. This volunteer position includes voting authority and a chance to formally lead the District’s work.
· New Associate Supervisors are always welcome to join the Board. This is not a voting position and therefore carries lighter responsibilities. However, input and guidance from Associates is highly valued in all Board deliberations.
Get in touch today! Email or call: waldocountysoilandwater@gmail.com, 207.218.5311.
Volunteers Always Welcome!
Would you like to offer your time and skills to support our mission? We can always use your help! Have some fun and share information with fellow Waldo County residents. Join us at events (like our plant sale); do public outreach and education (staff our Common Ground Fair booth — free tickets to the Fair!); or ask about other programs where you can make a difference.
Get in touch today! Email or call: waldocountysoilandwater@gmail.com, 207.218.5311.